Setup Your Printer For Windows : Ij Start Canon


  1. Visit the official site and download the fitting printer drivers and programming on your gadget.
  2. After this, you really want to turn on the printer and ensure that the gadget is appropriately connected.
  3. Open the document you have downloaded to continue with the arrangement. Raise a ruckus around town button and you will see the arrangement screen showing up from
  4. where you can pick the remote arrangement on your gadget.
  5. Subsequent to picking the 'Remote' choice, you want to visit the Canon printer arrangement screen and pick the WiFi Setup choice.
  6. Go to the 'Gadget Settings' and snap on the 'alright' button.
    Select the 'Gadget Settings LAN Settings' and snap on the 'alright' button. Your gadget will begin searching for the accessible Access Point.
  7. Ensure that your switch is turned on. Your Wireless Lamp will start to streak.
  8. You will see the organization list on your screen. Pick the WiFi organization, you might want to associate with and hit the Ok button.
  9. Presently, it will request the WEP or WPA key.
  10. Type the secret key to associate and raise a ruckus around town button.
    In almost no time, your Ij Start Canon printer will be effectively associated with the Wireless organization.
  11. With the rules above, you can undoubtedly set up the Canon printer for your gadget.


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